Page 43 - fredo Eyong
P. 43

Chapter 05: Prototype
             Low Fidelity Prototype
  Wireframes useflow to sign up and create or join an activity
        REJUVENATE  setup Profile  Profile detail  Welcome back!
          Create Event  complete  Completed workout session
      STEP 3/3  Welcome to Rejuvenate
     When do you want  Active User
     to be reminded?  Event Title Location or Meeting Link  Summary of today's activities 9.
        7 Track  16 Set Up  All Day Activity  Total duration 3 hours 30  Total distance 8.2
        Outdoor Activities  Profile  Start Time  Dec 20  10:00 AM  User Profile  Your schedu
        3  1  End Time Repeat Activity  Dec 20  11:00 AM  Profile setup successful  Fitness
        Preferences  Real-time  Activity Tags:  Preferences  light mood  1 hour 30 minutes
           Running  Cycling  Walking  Yoga  Outdoor  Weather updates  Total Workouts  Calori
     Outdoor Activities  Today's stats  Hiking  Adventure Outdoor  Wellness Health &  Goals
  Rejuvinate  Track outdoor activities for progress updates  Additional Notes:  Track  Top P
  Track your outdoor activities and wellness  Start  Details  Outdoor Trackers  Notes  Start
   routines  Running Stats  Log out  Week  Month
  Create account  9:30 - 11:00  Add new activity  R an  Top User  211
     Explore outdoor features  Session  Park Trail  Track now  Friends activities  k R  198
  Step 1.  Step 2.  Wellness Focus  Step 4. User creates an activity  Step 5.  Step 6.  an
        13:00 - 15:30
  User creates an account  User creates their preference  User can track their mood and prog
                support settings  Morning Run with friends  1 an
  ActiveTrack  30-Day Challenge Tracker  Completed yoga session  # k R 2 an # k  Your Progre
                    Hot Yoga class
       Step 3.        Challenges & Rewards
  Share Your Progress  Challenge Name  User is brought to the home screen where they can  #
     Brief description of the challenge
       view all their necessary information at a glance.
  Share on Facebook  Share on Twitter  Share on Instagram  Start Date: Jan 1, 2023  End Date
                      500 Minutes Goal
     Progress: 50%  View Details  Step 7.  Current Progress  360/500 Minutes
  Invite Others to Join  User starts created activity
  Enter email or username  Progress Tracking  Weekend Warrior
                      Two Workouts on Weekends
  Add a personal note...  You're halfway there! Keep going!  Current Progress  1/2 Achieved
  Research and Design Project
     Update Progress
   Send Invite        Endurance Champion
                      Master 5 Endurance Workouts
     Daily Tasks      Current Progress  4/5 Achieved
     Task 1 Description  View Details
     Task 2 Description  View Details
     Task 3 Description  View Details
  Step 9.
  User can invite or join other users on   Step 8.
  the Platform for a collective activity    Community  User compleets activity and their
                      progress report is presented to them
     Post from User 1: Excited to start this
     challenge! Let's motivate each other!
     Reply  Like
     Post from User 2: Completed my
     tasks for today! Feeling accomplished!
     Reply  Like
       Step 10.
     Create New Post  User can share their progress with other
       users on the inbuilt communication
       platform and read up on some helpfull
       tips or articels.
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