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~ Mr. Maurice and Elder Beverly Jenkins ~
This inspirational and motivational couple- my counselors played major roles in my and Kamili's lives upon our return to Sanford,
Florida. From the very beginning of our relationship, these Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and New York City ( now Floridians) natives
were gracious to us. There was no limit in their Giving, even financially.
Mr. Maurice served as a Role Model and Math Tutor to Kamili. Elder Beverly served as a dear friend, Spiritual Counselor, Quartet
Member and Office Manager of Tajiri Arts. And to put the "Icing On The Chocolate Cake," they were responsible for me meeting
the Fantastic Love Of My Life: Carlton Whatley. It was in their home that our Two Hearts Became One!
I am Soo Grateful for their willingness to embrace us wholeheartedly! Blessings and Peace to You Always!
Thanks for all of your contributions to Tajiri's Success!
The Board of Directors
All of the following persons made significant spiritual, financial, professional, and personal contributions to the success of Tajiri Arts
School and Museum. This team performed at a 200% level for twenty years and never skipped a beat! We achieved national acclaim
because of their extremely hard work. There is no way that I could have executed such outstanding accomplishments without their
superb cooperation. I thank God for bringing this expert team together to work with me and the Tajiri Arts students!
Praises to YOU, LORD JESUS!