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double-row roller bearing. Based on the research carried out, the company that purchased these
machines made claims to the manufacturer, which was forced to change the entire headstock,
Compliance, with significant economic costs. On-line control of the dynamic
conventional units characteristics of the control cabinet could save the buyer from
purchasing obviously low-quality machines, as well as monitor
4 the condition of the equipment in operation [16 - 20].
3 380/2,83
F.S. Sabirov, Doctor of Technical
2 Sciences, Professor.
2 S.S. Shemyakin, postgraduate student.
Moscow State University of Technology
467/1,68 "STANKIN",
"Machine tools" department.
1 1
1. Grigoriev S.N., Kozochkin M.P., Sabirov F.S., Kutin
A.A. Diagnostic systems as basis for technological
improvement // Procedia CIRP 1 (1), 2012, pp. 599 -
0 200 400 600 800 1000 604.
2. Kozochkin M.P., Sabirov F.S. Problems and tasks of
Frequency Hz operational diagnostics in metalworking // Bulletin of
MSTU "Stankin", 2009, No. 3 (7), pp. 13 - 17.
Fig. 6. Calculated frequency response SHU machines mod. TNL-120AL2: 1 - 3. Kozochkin M.P., Sabirov F.S., Suslov D. N., Abramov
A. P. Vibroacoustic diagnostics of spindle bearings for
"ideal" machine; 2 - "new" machine; 3 - "old" machine. high-speed machining // STIN, no. 6, 2010, pp. 17 -
4. Kozochkin, M.P., Sabirov, F.S., Suslov, D.N., Abramov, A.P. Vibroacoustic Diagnostics of Spindle Bearings in High-Speed Machine Tools // Russian Engineering Research, vol.
30 (9), 2010, pp. 944 - 947.
5. Kozochkin M.P, Sabirov F.S., Bogan A.N., Myslivtsev K.V. Bearing diagnostics rolling during the operation of machine tools based on the analysis of the vibration signal //
STIN, No. 1, 2013, pp. 21 - 26.
6. Kozochkin M.P., Sabirov F.S., Bogan A.N., Myslivtsev K.V. Vibrational diagnostics of roller bearings in metal-cutting machines // Russian Engineering Research vol. 33 (8),
2013, pp. 486 - 489.
7. Kozochkin M.P., Sabirov F.S. Vibroacoustic diagnostics of spindle assemblies // STIN, No. 5, 2009, pp. 8 - 12.
8. Kozochkin, M.P., Sabirov, F.S. Vibroacoustic diagnostics of spindles // Russian Engineering Research. 2009. 29 (8), pp. 827 - 830.
9. Sabirov F.S., Kozochkin M.P. Vibroacoustic diagnostics of grinding spins on rolling bearings // Appendix. Directory. Engineering journal, no. 12, 2011, pp. 10 - 15.
10. Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S. Measurement of the dynamic characteristics of machine tools by the method impulse loading // Measuring equipment. 2009, no. 6, pp. 39 -
11. Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S. Measurement of the dynamic characteristics of machine tools by a pulse loading method. // Measurement Techniques, Springer New York. Vol.
52, No 6, 2009, pp. 621 - 624.
12. Sabirov F.S. Impulse method for evaluating the dynamic characteristics of elastic systems machines // "Handbook. Engineering Journal ", No. 11, 2009, pp. 38 - 43.
13. Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S., Kozochkin M.P. Software complex for collection, processing and analysis of vibration signals nkRecorder: information about the state
registration of the program for Computer No. 2009613214 // OBPBT. 2009. No. 4 (69).
14. Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S., Khomyakov V.S. A software package for modeling and calculating the spindle units of SpinDyna machine tools: state registration of the
computer program No. 2009611613. OBPBT No. 2 (67), 2009.
15. Khomyakov V.S., Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S. Investigation of the dynamic characteristics of spindle assemblies. Vestnik MGTU "Stankin", 2008, no. 4, pp. 15 - 22.
16. Khomyakov V.S., Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S. Simulation and calculation of dynamic characteristics of spindle units // "Bulletin of USATU" T12, 2 (30), 2009, pp. 76 - 82.
17. Khomyakov V.S., Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S. Experimental and computational study of the dynamic characteristics of spindle nodes // STIN, no. 3, 2009, pp. 5 - 9.
18. Khomyakov V.S., Kochinev N.A., Sabirov F.S. Dynamic characteristics of spindle components // Russian Engineering Research. 2009. 29 (6), pp. 607 - 611.
19. Khomyakov V.S., Sabirov F.S. Experimental study and modeling of the sleeve structure of the spindle assembly of a grinding machine // STIN. 2012. No. 5. pp. 10 - 15.
20. Khomyakov V.S., Sabirov F.S. Spindle and sleeve in grinding machines // Russian Engineering Research, vol. 32 (11 - 12), 2012, pp. 733 - 737.
21. Sabirov F.S., Kochinev N.A., Myslivtsev K.V. Improving the dynamic characteristics of multilayer rotor systems // Izvestiya KBSU. 2014. Volume IV, No. 5, pp. 64 - 68.
22. Sabirov F.S., Suslov D.N., Myslivtsev K.V. Reserves for improving dynamic characteristics characteristics of spindle units in the modernization of machine tools // Repair,
restoration, modernization, no. 11, 2012, pp. 11 - 14.
23. Kozochkin M. P., Sabirov F. S., Porvatov A. N., Bogan A. N. Vibration control technological equipment in production // Vestnik MGTU "Stankin". No. 4 (23), 2012, pp. 8 -14.
24. Kozochkin M. P., Sabirov F. S., Bogan A. N., Myslivtsev K. V. Monitoring of the state of technological equipment at industrial enterprises // Vestnik USATU, 2013. Volume
17, No. 8 (61). pp. 57 - 63.
25. Kozochkin MP, Sabirov FS, Durko EM, Davydov VM, Zaev VV. Diagnostics and mo- monitoring of spindle unit supports // STIN, no. 6, 2013, pp. 2 - 5.
26. Kozochkin M.P., Sabirov F.S., Durko E.M., Davydov V.M. Zaev V.V. Diagnostics and monitoring of spindle bearings // Russian Engineering Research, vol. 34 (1), 2014, pp.
34 - 36. 27. Khomyakov V.S., Sabirov F.S., Ermolaev V.K., Suslov D.N. Ways to improve the design of spindle assemblies // "Set: ITO". 2011. No. 1, pp. 40 - 43.
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