Page 24 - May
P. 24


                                                                    were assigned, the speeds recommended in
                                                                    the  literature  were  taken  cutting v, cutting
                                                                    depth (t = 2.1 m) and feed S. The calculation
                                                                    of  power  parameters  was  carried  out  for
                                                                    various  steel  gear  (spur,  helical,  with a
                                                                    modified  profile)  and  worm  (cast  iron  and
                                                                    bronze) wheels. The tools used were worm
                                                                    and disc high-speed and carbide cutters. We
                                                                    also took into account information materials
                                                                    on machine tools of well-known companies,
                                                                    such  as  Gleason-Pfauter,  Höfler,  Liebherr,
                                                                    etc. It was found that the maximum cutting
                                                                    forces and moments occur when machining
                                                                    gear wheels made of structural steels when
                                                                    working  with  a  worm  high-speed  milling
                                                                    cutter.  When  machining  difficult  materials,
                                                                    the depth of cut and feed are reduced, and
                                                                    the cutting force does not increase.
                                                                            The components  of  the  cutting force
                                                                    were  determined  by the  formulas  of  work
                                                                            Fi = C ∙ mxm ∙ (t/m)xt ∙ Sxs ∙ Vxv ∙Zxz, H.
                                                                    The values of the coefficients for determining
                                                                    the  average  Fz  cf  and  the  maximum
                                                                    circumferential  component  of  the  cutting
                                                                    force Fz max, as well as the maximum radial
                                                                    Fy  max  and  axial  Fx  max  when  processing
                                                                    steel  45  are  given  in  Table  1.  Here  C is a
                                                                    constant coefficient depending on the work
                                                                    piece material; m - module in mm; t is the
        Fig. 3. Table design.
                                                                    depth of cut in mm; S - feed S = Soc / cosβ,
                                                                    where Soc is the feed (mm / rev. work piece)
        along the axis of the tooth; β - angle tooth tilt (degrees); V - cutting speed (m / min); Z is the
        number of teeth to be cut. The moment on the cutter Mfr was determined: Mfr = Fz Dfr / 2, and
        friction in the bearings was not taken into account. The moment Mzag required to rotate the
        work piece was determined without taking into account the friction in the supports, since they
        are carried out either on rolling bearings, or low friction hydrostatic bearings.
               Мзаг = Fz sinβ + F х ср cosβ.
               It was assumed that Fx cf ≈ 0.5 Fx max, since the force Fx acting along the axis of the
        cutter is alternating sign and is about 15% of the total load. The calculation of the cutting forces

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