Page 9 - Flip IOCL Book.cdr
P. 9
Case 5 Date: 23.12.2018 Time: 09:30 hrs.
TF#4 MOUND at South west corner and east side of 68-TB-4B got caved in due to over flow of water from
68-TB-4B during hydro-testing.
Root Cause
Due to unavailability of water draining system on
Mound, Water overflowed and got ingress inside
the mound, thereby resulted in settlement of
1. System/procedure defining roles and responsibilities as per statutory standard and guidelines to be
prepared afresh in Sop and circulated among all concerned including production, maintenance,
inspection and civil. Also the same to be made available at PR and PNC intranet portal.
2. Provide peripheral drain on top of mounded bullet.
3. To prevent ingress of water on the sloped sides, water proofing by feasible means to be taken up.
4. East and south side of the Bullet 68-TB-4B, which had caved in, is to be filled with sand & covered with
5. Separate work permits involving various tabulated steps of hydro test to be given to individual
departments by production dept.
6. Provision of a temporary vent line up to grade level during hydro test to be made.
7. JSA to be followed and JSA observation to be included in critical task.