Page 20 - Cornice_Grade 3
P. 20
After reading the book Pippi Longstockings, we
wrote additional chapter imagining what might
happen next.
Chapter 12:
Pippi Goes
Back in
the Ocean
When Tommy and Annika
left after the birthday party Pippi
felt alone. She started talking to
the fat lady with a flower and a
dead mouse on the wall. She also
talked to the cups like, “Hello Cup,
aren’t you so beautiful with flow-
ers and a handle ?”. Mr. Nilsson
felt worried for her. But then he
realized she was just being herself.
Pippi then sat near the window
and looked out. She thought about
what she said to Tommy and
Annika about being a pirate. Sud- suitcase. Tommy and Annika were sad that she was leaving them
denly she jumped and shouted, but they knew she would be happy sailing.
“I think I should get back to the Pippi waved goodbye to Tommy and Annika. She said,”
sea. I am kind of missing the cool I will be back soon. Don’t miss me too much and don’t have a
breeze and the smell of the ocean. lot of fun without me. I will be back with more stories to share.
“ The next morning Pippi woke See you soon Tommy and Annika.” She put Mr. Nilsson and her
up and immediately ran outside suitcase on the back of the horse. The strong Pippi carried the
to pick up twenty-two tree logs as boat on her head and walked down towards the ocean. All the
she had decided to make a boat. people of the town were shocked to see her leaving. But Pippi was
Then she needed a long, thick, and delighted as she would be sailing again. When she reached the
strong rope so she ran to Tom- ocean, she put the boat down, put Mr. Nilsson on her shoulder,
my and Annika’s house to get it. and the horse on the boat. She then took a long spear to paddle
Tommy and Annika came with the boat. She paddled and paddled for two months in search of
the rope to Pippi’s house and were her old ship. Finally, she found her old ship near an island. “Is
amused to see her making a boat. that Pippi Longstockings?” cried one of the sailors. “Yes, it is,”
It took her an entire day to cut the Pippi shouted. All the sailors were extremely happy to have her
logs into shapes, and use the ropes back. They carried her and all the stuff into their ship. Pippi was
to tie them together. After all the overjoyed to be back in the ocean with the people she loved.
hard work, the boat was ready.
Then she went inside Villa Ville- - Aaron Gajurel
kula and packed her stuff into the