Page 17 - Cornice_Grade 3
P. 17

How and

        Why Story

                                  Why Monkeys Have Long Tails

               Long time ago mon-
        keys did not have a tail.
        The monkey was very sad.
        He could not hang on the
        branches like monkeys
        can do now. In the jungle
        there were some animals
        who used to tease and
        bully the monkey because
        he didn't have a tail. The
        bullies were snake, giraffe
        and elephant. However,
        the monkey also had some
        good friends. His friends
        were a rabbit and a par-
        rot. They were a great
               One day, the snake
        said to the rabbit, “One
        day, I will gobble you up
        and you tailless friend!”
        The rabbit spoke back to the snake, “Don’t call my friend tailless. One day I might gobble
        you instead and make your nightmares come to life!” Then the rabbit chased the snake
        and it slithered away.
               The monkey had enough of him being tailless and one day he said sadly to his
        friends, “I feel miserable. There is no solution to my problem.” Rabbit and parrot tried
        to cheer him up and helped the monkey think good thoughts. When the monkey and
        his friends were having a good time, the bullies came following them again. Then they
        did something dreadful to the monkey. All three of them started pulling him back. The
        monkey cried in great pain but the bullies did not let him go. The rabbit and parrot were
        very worried about their friend and they also started pulling the monkey away from the
        mean animals. The tugging and pulling continued for a long time.
               After a long time, the rabbit and parrot were finally able to save their friend mon-
        key from the bullies. However, all the tugging and pulling had stretched the monkey’s
        back. It was stretched so much that the monkey now had a long tail! When they saw
        this, they were overjoyed. The three friends cheered and clapped. Finally the monkey
        had a tail just like he wanted.

        - Joshna Khadka
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