Page 14 - Cornice_Grade 3
P. 14
Why is the Sky
Shiny at Night?
Once upon
a time, the sky The Sleepover
was very dark at
night. People could On July 2nd, 2021, my cousin came
not do their work for a sleepover at my mama ghar. She
or walk at night. arrived at 5:15 pm. I was happy and ex-
But if the light cited to see her. I showed her the rooms
was next to them, and bathrooms. I also showed her my stuff
they could see. It like my toys and other playthings. And we
became a serious played UNO cards. We also played scrabble
problem for all. and it was very fun. We spent 50 minutes
One day, the Cloud together playing board games. And she
and Sun decided came for two days - Saturday and Sunday.
to take the matter In 6:05 pm we drew till 6:35 pm. I drew
to the Moon. They anime and she drew realistic objects. We Personal Narrative Story
went to talk to the also watched TV and on my Ipad, I also
Moon. The cloud played Roblox. Roblox is a game where
said, “Hello Mr. Moon! We need to turn on you can make friends and play millions of
your brightness a little higher at night. games. And then for dinner, we ate fried
“Why ?” asked the Moon. People can not chicken, fried potatoes, sticky rice, and
do their work nicely and Can’t see well and achaar. It was very tasty as it was my fa-
when they try to walk without the lights, vorite food. After eating, we brushed our
they fall and get hurt. “So we need you to teeth, wore matching PJs, and slept. The
why/ how story
do something about it!” said Cloud. “Well next morning I woke up at 7:25 am and
if they get hurt and can’t see well in the my sister woke up at 7:34 am. And we ate
dark then Okay I will help,” said the Moon. breakfast- chocos. And we played with Le-
Then the sky was like how they wanted it gos. And we made a beach house. And we
to be. And everyone was very happy but played badminton for 20 minutes. During
one person was not, which was the Dark- lunch, we ate traditional Newari food. At
ness Witch. She loved darkness so much 2:15 pm we watched ‘’Shrek 2’’. It was
that she got so angry. She decided to make a 2-hour movie. We also had candies. We
a potion that makes everyone do whatever rode bicycles
she wants them to do. Then she flew high for some time.
up into the sky and when she reached the But my sister
Moon, she said to the Moon, “ You will needed to go
pay back for what you did to the world. at 5:30 pm.
HA HA HA!” The Moon had no idea what And we played
she was talking about and thought this Baby in Yel-
was the Darkness Witch. She must be here low - a horror
because I turned myself into Shiny. The game. When it
Moon suddenly shone brighter than before. was 5:30 pm
The Witch could not see and the potion fell. she packed
She turned blind due to the brightness of and I said,
the Moon. Since that day the Moon never “Bye Bye”
forgets to shine bright in the night sky.
- Tezal Hyoju
- Sriyukti Shah