Page 12 - Cornice_Grade 3
P. 12

A Greek                                                                    Stories

                                                                                   we created

        Mystery                                                                    in our
                                                                                   Writer’s Workshop

               A long time ago, there were two childhood friends named Andrea and Aiden. They
        go to the same high school. Andrea was very popular and had many friends, but she
        knew that once they found out her secret they wouldn’t even want to face her like all
        the others. She had never told anyone about her secret, not even to Aiden. But Andrea
        always seemed  calm, cool and she never got angry even while Aiden used to be annoy-
        ing at times. Many may not know this but a hard shell often hides a sad and tender
        heart. Even though Aiden was best friends with Andrea, he was still unpopular. He also
        had visual dyslexia, which meant though he was very smart, Aiden had a problem with
        reading and remembering what was written on the page. He was often bullied by cheer-
        leaders and jocks, but Andrea usually stood up for him. The day the story unfolds it
        was the last day of high school. Andrea and Aiden were walking towards their lockers.
        “I can’t believe it,” said Andrea.  “ One year of high school has come to an end already!”
        “Ya and I can’t believe that our parents allowed us to go to Greece together!” Said Aid-
        en. “Yeah,” said Andrea gloomily. “Hey you okay?” asked Aiden. “Yeah,” Said Andrea
        and together they went to the class. They were taking turns reading their text book
        when their teacher said, “Okay now who will volunteer to read the next chapter? What
        about Aiden? Please start reading Aiden!”  “Sh -sh  she sto - stopped shyly a - aat th the
        rrr”  “It’s raining genius,” said one of the jocks. The boys snickered. “Jack,that was not
        very nice,”said the teacher. “Whatever!”said Jack. During the end of the  school day,
        Aiden was still very mad. “ I hate those jocks,” he shouted. “They’re always so rude!”
        “Calm down Aiden, we won’t have to see them for a month now,” “We’re just gonna
        relax and have fun,” said Andrea. And together they walked to their houses. Andrea
        thought, “Should I tell Aiden who I really am?” Meanwhile Aiden was already packing
        up everything he needed for the trip. He loved Greek mythology, and he had suggested
        the trip. Andrea was hesitant at first, but after Aiden pleaded around 50 times, she fi-
        nally agreed. He was excited he had memorized all the Greek gods' names by heart such
        as the god of Sky and Thunder, Hera -goddess of women marriage and childbirth, Posei-
        don - God of the Sea, Earthquakes and horses, and Hades - god of the underworld. His
        favorite god was Hephaestus - god of the forge and fire whose face was also deformed.
        Aiden’s face was also a bit deformed. His mother always told him it just happened but
        he had a nagging feeling that she was lying. His dad had left his mom a long time ago,
        when she was just eight months pregnant with him. He had never met his father and
        did not wish to meet him in any way. He had a strange past and he still had nightmares
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