Page 12 - Draft Sementara
P. 12
Strategi pengajaran membaca komprehensif diklasifikasikan Ness (2011)
sebagai berikut.
a. Pembelajaran kosakata (vocabulary instruction);
b. Memprediksi;
c. Memonitor komprehensi;
d. Struktur teks;
e. Menjawab pertanyaan;
f. Membuat pertanyaan;
g. Merangkum;
Category of Code Explanation of Code
Reading Vocabulary As the National Reading Panel (NRP, 2000) suggests
comprehens instruction that vocabulary and comprehension are inherently
ion codes linked, this category was used for strategies
ascertaining the meaning of unknown words,
including general vocabulary building, context clues,
dictionary work, and teacher-generated explanations
of unfamiliar words (Duke & Pearson, 2002).
Predicting/prior As explained by Duke and Pearson (2002), prediction is
knowledge a family of strategies including making predictions,
evaluating the accuracy of these predictions based
on further reading, activating prior knowledge, and
overviewing texts.
Comprehension Here the teacher asks and encourages students to be
monitoring metacognitive and aware of their understanding
during reading. The teacher provides students with
fix-it strategies to clarify comprehension difficulties.
Comprehension monitoring can include teacher-led
Text structure The teacher provides students with information on how
to use narrative and informational text structure to
understand text. This can include plot, sequencing,
characters, and events in narrative text and text
features such as titles, headings, pictures, captions,
typology, charts, graphs, glossaries, and appendices
in informational text.
Question The teacher asks students to answer text-based
answering questions as a comprehension strategy. Students
independently search for answers in the text. Here
the teacher provides feedback on the correctness of
student responses.
11 | M o d u l P e m b e l a j a r a n L i t e r a s i U N J