P. 7
Drainage & Piped Services Standard Specification
Version 2014-1
1.2.2 Compliance with Regulations
The Contractor is to comply with all applicable statutory regulations and is to notify all
Authorities concerned in accordance with their individual requirements.
Provision is to be made in tenders for all costs in connection with any special measures
required by the Authorities concerned.
The whole of the works undertaken for this Contract are to be carried out in
compliance with this document.
Where the requirements of this Specification are at variance with the regulations
referred to, the most stringent condition shall be deemed to apply, pending
clarification by the Project Manager.
1.2.3 Local Authority and Supply Company Requirements
The Contractor is to familiarise himself with, and comply with, the local requirements
of the:
Water, Gas, Electricity supply and Telecoms Company Regulations and Byelaws.
Any relevant Local Authority Regulations including those of the Fire and of the
Environmental Health Officer.
The UK Building Regulations including Part L Requirements.
The UK Building Regulations including Part M Requirements.
The UK Building Regulations including Part P Requirements.
British standards & codes of practice
All works will be carried out in accordance with British standard BS 7671
including its latest amendments and the statutory requirements of the local
electricity board
Materials shall be new and of the best quality or their respective kinds and shall
conform to the relative British standard specification
The electrical contractor shall also comply with the following regulations:
New electrical safety regulation (document p)
The electricity supply regulations 1988 as amended
The electricity at work regulations 1989 as amended
The factories act 1961
The offices, shops and railway premises act 1963
The building regulation 1985 with current updates
The local fire brigade recommendations
1.2.4 CDM
The Contractor shall be aware of his responsibilities with regard to the Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations and shall be deemed to have included any costs
arising from this responsibility in his tender.
In addition, the Contractor is to make himself familiar and comply with the Client's own
safety documentation, particularly where any elements of the areas of the
development are in occupation prior to completion of the works.
The Contractor is to make himself aware of any Client's existing Health and Safety file.
If work is completed which affects this, then amendments must be made to comply
with the regulations to all copies held by the Client.
McDonalds Restaurants Ltd 1/2