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P. 108


                                            MA31206 International Mathematics

                Subject: International Mathematics                             Learning Area: Mathematics
                Level: M4 Semester: 2                                  Time Allocation: 20 hours Credit: 0.5

                      The aim of the course is to encourage the students to understand, emphasize, analyse, criticize and
               apply their knowledge and understanding to everyday situations. The approach to educate the students
               involves the process of evaluating prior knowledge and their ability to express their views in correct
               representation, forming a strong base for vocabularies and terminologies in the language of Mathematics,
               studying and analysing the various concepts to be covered during the term and enabling the students to
               develop their analytical thinking and expressive their views/ ideas and develop their thinking skills towards
               the 21st century. The fundamental criteria is to enable the students making logical deductions, making
               inferences and drawing conclusions from given mathematical data. The students will be recognizing patterns
               and structures in a variety of situations, and forming generalizations while presenting arguments and chains
               of reasoning in a logical and structured way. The students will develop interpreting and communicating
               information accurately and changing from one form of presentation to another assessing the validity of an
               argument and critically evaluating a given way of presenting information solving unstructured problems by
               putting them into a structured form involving a series of processes applying combinations of mathematical
               skills and techniques using connections between different areas of mathematics in problem solving. The
               most  promising  goal  is  to  analyse  a  problem,  select  a  suitable  strategy  and  apply  appropriate
               techniques to obtain its solution.
                      The students will learn Mathematics with its language, nuances, uses, functions and processes,
               through a series of activities. Varied learning methods are adapted to escalate individual attention and
               development. Certain tasks will ensure the students working in groups/ pairs to evaluate the importance of
               group dynamics and maximize personal growth.
                      By the end of the year ,the students will have Love of nation, religion and king, Honesty and
               integrity, Self-discipline, Avidity for learning, Observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in
               one’s way of life, Dedication and commitment to work, Cherishing Thai-ness, Public mindedness and and
               be healthy and well-balanced.

               Learning Outcome
                      1.  Understand and apply concepts from all the aspects of mathematics listed in the specification.
                      2.  Apply combinations of mathematical skills and techniques to solve a problem.
                      3.  Learn  to  solve  a  problem  by  investigation,  analysis,  the  use  of  deductive  skills  and  the
                          application of an appropriate strategy.
                      4.  Recognise patterns and structures and so form generalizations.
                      5.  Draw logical conclusions from information and understand the significance of mathematical or
                          statistical results.
                      6.  Consider and use spatial relationships in solving problems.
                      7.  Use  the  concepts  of  mathematical  modelling  to  describe  a  real-life  situation  and  draw
                      8.  Organize, interpret and present information in written, tabular, graphical and diagrammatic
                      9.  Use statistical techniques to explore relationships in the real world.

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