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P. 358


                                             EN32203 Reading and Writing English

               Supplementary Subject                                                          Learning Area of  Foreign Languages
               Secondary 5  Semester1                                                              Time Allocation 40 hours 1 credit

                       A basic reading and writing course that provides instruction in fundamental reading comprehension
               and composition skills that the reading and writing process are ways of learning, and that different topics,
               purposes, and audiences require different methods of presentation. Students will learn to read critically
               both professional and student-generated texts that stimulate their ideas and present models of effective
               writing. Students will also write their own essays based on ideas they have read about and discussed. Finally,
               students will do extensive revision at both sentence and paragraph level to produce clear and correct
               English prose. This core reading and writing course aims to teach students to read comprehensively and
               write clearly and effectively, through the steps of brainstorming, peer review, revision and final editing.
               Students will learn to articulate, organise and support written positions. They will also learn how to read
               texts carefully and critically, and to recognize how various perspectives inform interpretations of texts.
               Students will see the importance of reading, writing, listening and speaking well. In addition, by collaborating
               with others as well as seeing the value of revision and the recursive nature of the writing process, students
               will  be  better  prepared  for  classes  across  the  curriculum.  The  course  will  promote  grammatical,
               compositional, methodological and rhetorical skills in the service of effective communication.

                       The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on the language learning process; lectures
               by the teacher; collaborative learning groups; student-led facilitation of topics; online learning; games; and
               activities in order to allow students to develop themselves to their highest potentiality. By using the process
               of thinking capacity, communication capacity, problem-solving capacity and capacity for applying life skills,
               the students improve themselves and become better generally. The students would develop vital skills in
               analysis, problem-solving by going through the processes of developing the knowledge acquired with the
               lesson and use these skills in daily life situations and develop their thinking skills towards the 21st

                        The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love  of nation,
               religion and king, honesty  and integrity, self -discipline, avidity  for learning, observe  of principles of
               Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication  and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-
               ness, public mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.

               Learning Outcomes
                   1.  Write a paragraph about things that they like to do.
                   2.  Learn about expository paragraphs and topic sentences.
                   3.  Demonstrate understanding of written texts, and of the words and phrases within them.
                   4.  Write a composition about an appropriate career for
                   5.  Learn about supporting a logical conclusion.
                   6.  Brainstorm, plan and draft written work at text level, with limited support, on range of general and
                      curricular topics.
                   7.  Identify the writer's purpose through reading and comprehending the articles.
                   8.  Recognize the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of unfamiliar general and
                      curricular topics, including some extended texts.
                   9.  Write a magazine article about successful people.
                   10. Select relevant points from a text.
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