Page 14 - Pharma Darpan August 2021 Anniversary Issue
P. 14
EVENTS /ANNOUNCEMENTS Volume -II Issue -1 August-2021
NAVITAS 2021: The Annual Festival
Rotaract Club of D Y Patil University School of Pharmacy Organized Events
Rotaract Club Of D. Y. Patil University School Of Pharmacy
organized a series of events for all age groups from 20th May
2021 to 2nd June 2021. Various events like poem writing, Shayari
writing, meme-making and preparation of Covid-19 awareness
video were organized. Total of 113 students participated in the
various activities organized. All the participants were appreciated
by giving participation certificates and Winners were awarded
certificates and cash prizes. The activity is coordinated by Mr.
Jay Majithia, President Rotaract club under the guidance of Mr.
Pravin Naik, Student’s Council In-charge.
Following are the details of various events organized:
A Virtual Farewell for the S.Y. D. Pharmacy Students of D.Y. Patil University School of Pharmacy
The First Year D. Pharma students of D.Y. Patil University School of Pharmacy
organized a virtual farewell for the S.Y. D. Pharmacy students of the 2021 batch on
12 th June 2021. This farewell was conducted virtually on the zoom platform from
11:00 AM onwards and was hosted by Ms. Siddhi Koda. All the students from D.
Pharma and B. Pharma attended the farewell. A short farewell speech was given by
Ms. Mubashra Dakhwe (F.Y.B. Pharma), after which Principal, Dr. Rakesh Somani
Sir, graced the occasion with his kind words. Dr. Sushama Patil shared the memories
with the class and guided the students for a better career. Mr. Khush Jain (S.Y.B.
Pharma) presented beautiful songs on the casino. After this, various entertaining
games like ‘Scavenger Hunt’ were organized where everyone including the faculty,
participated proactively and enthusiastically. Mr. Aditya Ghuge addressed the
students with his humble words. A short video was also shared which showcased the
various memories of the students in the college. Ms. Divya Chauhan, S.Y.D. Pharma
among other students shared her thoughts and thanked all staff members of the
School. It was a well-planned farewell where the students and teachers participated.
The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Dakshita Barwad and the farewell was
concluded. Farwell was organized by F.Y.D. Pharma students under the guidance of