Page 19 - Pharma Darpan August 2021 Anniversary Issue
P. 19
EVENTS /ANNOUNCEMENTS Volume -II Issue -1 August-2021
VESCOP Shines At Avishkar Research Convention 2021
VES College of Pharmacy is proud to
share a hat trick of GOLD (1st place)
achieved in the final round at the "15 th
Avishkar Research Convention 2021,
University of Mumbai”. VESCOP
achieved the 1st place in the following
three categories: 1) In the Medicine &
Pharmacy: PPG (PhD) category, the
winner is Ms. Bhagyashri Parab who is
a PhD Scholar and Assistant Professor
at VESCOP. She was expertly
mentored and guided by Prof (Mrs)
Supriya Shidhaye, Principal, VESCOP.
Their winning project involved “Development of safe, affordable and effective herbal alternative to conventional chemotherapy for
treatment of breast cancer”. 2) In the Pure Science: Post Graduate (PG) category, the winners are Ms. Bedi Amrita Kaur and Ms. Aiyer
Matangi (SYM Pharm). They were expertly mentored & guided by Mrs. Harsha Kathpalia, Assistant Professor, VESCOP. Their winning
project focused on the “Development of an anti-viral and anti-bacterial film-forming gel formulation that would form a protective glove on
hands”. 3) In the Medicine & Pharmacy: Under Graduate (UG) category, the winners are Ms. Tanvi Pansare & Ms. Sandali
Malandkar (S.Y.B Pharm). They were expertly mentored & guided by Ms. Shivali Tank, Assistant Professor, VESCOP. Their winning
project focused on “Development of pharmaceutical vaginal foam containing a potent, broad spectrum antifungal agent to control the
infection and aloe vera with Banyan fig extract to provide symptomatic relief from itching and inflammation”. VES College of Pharmacy
has also been conferred with the OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP at the "15th Inter-Collegiate/Institute/Department Avishkar Research
Convention 2021” by the University of Mumbai in the Medicine & Pharmacy category (amongst 45 participating colleges) and in the
Pure Sciences category (amongst 78 participating colleges). VESCOP congratulates all the winners and their mentors on their well
deserved success.
Techshow at VESCOP
VESCOP and its Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) proudly took a step forward and presented its fourth technology showcase event
Techshow 2021: Innovation Contest on the 10 th April, 2021 by offering platforms to budding students and fellow academicians to
showcase their skill, innovation and talent. The participants got an opportunity to present their innovation in front of a panel of experts
from distinguished areas of Pharma industry and Academia. The thrust areas for the Techshow 2021 included Innovative products and
methods in Drug discovery, formulation development, devices, new analytical method or pharmaceutical processes and many more.
Strictly adhering to the rules of social distancing, the competition was this time brought to the comfort of the participant’s home via
Zoom video call. After evaluation, the best ideas were rewarded with cash prizes. Through this event the participants attained a
wonderful opportunity to showcase their Innovation ASSOCIATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL TEACHERS OF INDIA MUMBAI-REGION 17