Page 20 - Pharma Darpan August 2021 Anniversary Issue
P. 20

EVENTS /ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                             Volume -II   Issue -1   August-2021

                              National Webinar “Cell line studies: A powerful research tool”

                                                                          The National Webinar entitled “Cell line studies: A
                                                                          powerful research tool” was organized by the
                                                                          Department of Pharmacology, “Cell line studies: A
                                                                          powerful research tool” , Navi Mumbai. The
                                                                          Convenor of this Webinar was Dr. Vilasrao J.
                                                                          Kadam, Principal, BVCOP and the Co-ordinators
                                                                          were, Ms. Swati Dhande, HOD, Pharmacology
                                                                          Department and Ms. VaibhaviGarge, Asst. Professor
                                                                          in Pharmacology, BVCOP. The speakers invited for
                                                                          the    webinar    were    Dr.    Abhay    M.
                                                                          Harsulkar (Professor and Head of Pharmaceutical
                                                                          Biotechnology Department, Poona    College of
                                                                          Pharmacy, Pune) and Dr. Shama R. Aphale
                                                                          (Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical
                                                                          Biotechnology,     Poona      College      of
                                                                          Pharmacy, Pune).

     Dr. Abhay Harsulkar sir had delivered the session entitled “Cells, Cell Lines and Applications” and covered the Basic Principles, Types
     of cloning, Cell Based Therapies, Scientific challenges, Genetic manipulations, and Applications of Cell Line Studies as a Research

     Tool. Dr. ShamaAphale delivered the session entitled “Cell Culture Techniques: Practical Aspects” and talked about practical aspects
     like Equipments, Procedures, Handling and Maintenance of Cell Culture, Selection and Cultivation of specific cell lines, Cell-based
     Assays: Importance and Applications. Both the Scientific Sessions received appreciation from the Participants and were interactive
     with Question-Answers. The Webinar was conducted on Google Meet and You Tube Live Streaming. Approximately 360 delegates
     from various Academic and Research Organizations were present for this Scientific Event.

                                               Covid-19 Awareness Campaign

                                                                Covid-19 awareness campaign was organized on 2 nd  Dec, 2020
                                                                at Nerul, Navi Mumbai by NCRD’s Sterling Institute of
                                                                Pharmacy. The B. Pharm students explained the information
                                                                about use of Mask and Sanitizer to police, railway workers, auto
                                                                drivers and commuters in this awareness program. NCRD's
                                                                Sterling Institute of Pharmacy donated 1000 Masks and

                                                                Sanitizers in the presence of Shri Avinash Shinde, Dr. Ashok
                                                                Patil (Trustees, NCRD); Mr. Amarjit Kharade, CAO, NCRD and
                                                                Principal Dr. Rupesh Pingale.
                                                                During the program, clothes, masks, sanitizer bottles, medicines,
                                                                home accessories and also stationery material were distributed
                                                                to 100 needful families staying in slum regions. The campaign
                                                                was coordinated by Mr. Deepak Pokharkar, head of

                                                                extracurricular activities committee

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