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Exhibit 11–5  Job Characteristics Model       CHAPTER 11   •  Motivating and Rewarding Employees    361

                         Core Job                     Critical                   Personal
                         Dimensions                 Psychological                and Work
                                                      States                     Outcomes

                         Skill variety              Experienced                 High internal
                        Task identity             meaningfulness of            work motivation
                       Task significance              the work

                                                                              work performance
                         Autonomy                  responsibility for
                                                 outcomes of the work          High satisfaction
                                                                               with the work

                                                  Knowledge of the
                         Feedback                 actual results of the       Low absenteeism
                                                                                and turnover
                                                   work activities


                    Source: Reprinted by permission from Judith D. Hackman (w/o) J. Richard Hackman.

                    meaningfulness through skill variety, task identity, and/or task significance). The more these   job enrichment
                    three conditions characterize a job, the greater the employee’s motivation, performance, and   The vertical expansion of a job by adding planning
                    satisfaction and the lower his or her absenteeism and the likelihood of resigning. As the model   and evaluation responsibilities
                    shows, the links between the job dimensions and the outcomes are moderated by the strength
                    of the individual’s growth need (the person’s desire for self-esteem and self-actualization).
                    Individuals are more likely to experience the critical psychological states and respond posi-
                    tively when their jobs include the core dimensions than are individuals with a low growth
                    need. This distinction may explain the mixed results with job enrichment (vertical expansion
                    of a job by adding planning and evaluation responsibilities): Individuals with low growth need
                    don’t tend to achieve high performance or satisfaction by having their jobs enriched.
                       The JCM provides significant guidance to managers for job design for both individuals
                    and teams.  The suggestions shown in Exhibit 11–6, which are based on the JCM, specify the
                    types of changes in jobs that are most likely to improve each of the five core job dimensions.

                    Exhibit 11–6  Guidelines for Job Redesign

                                  Suggested Action                Core Job Dimension
                                    Combine tasks                     Skill variety

                                Form natural work units              Task identity

                              Establish client relationships        Task significance

                                 Expand jobs vertically               Autonomy

                                Open feedback channels                 Feedback

                    Source: Reprinted by permission from Judith D. Hackman (w/o) J. Richard Hackman.
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