Page 357 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 357
• Research focus: When people felt exceptionally good
(satisfied—see left-hand side of Exhibit 11–2) or bad
(dissatisfied—see right-hand side of exhibit) about their jobs.
• Replies showed these were two different factors!
◾ When people felt good about their work, they tended to cite
intrinsic factors arising from the job content (job itself), such as
achievement, recognition, and responsibility.
◾ When they were dissatisfied, they tended to cite extrinsic factors arising
from the job context, such as company policy and administration, supervi-
sion, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions. Andersphoto/Fotolia
Exhibit 11–2 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Company policy
Achievement Relationship with supervisor
Recognition Working conditions
Work itself Salary
Responsibility Relationship with peers
Advancement Personal life
Growth Relationship with employees
Extremely Neutral Extremely
Satisfied Dissatisfied
• Replies also gave us the new view of Satisfaction vs. Dissatisfaction (see Exhibit 11–3).
Exhibit 11–3 Contrasting Views of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
Satisfied Dissatisfied
Motivators HERZBERG’S VIEW Hygiene Factors
Satisfaction No Satisfaction No Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction
Source: Robbins, Stephen P., Coulter, Mary, Management, 13th Ed., © 2016, p. 465. Reprinted
and electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., New York, NY.
◾ Herzberg concluded that the traditional view—the opposite of satisfaction is dissatisfaction—
was wrong.
◾ He believed that the factors that led to job satisfaction were separate and distinct from those
that led to job dissatisfaction.
hygiene factors motivators three-needs theory
Factors that eliminate job dissatisfaction but don’t motivate Factors that increase job satisfaction and motivation McClelland’s theory, which says that three acquired (not
innate) needs—achievement, power, and affiliation—
are major motives at work