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Step 1: The Topic
The Endless Idea Generator works best with specificity.
As a rule of thumb: the more general the topic is, the harder it will be to see all the
potential combinations for things to write about. Conversely (and maybe
counterintuitively), the more specific or niche the topic is, the easier it will be for you to
see all the potential combinations for things to write about.
For example: let’s say you want to write about “money.”
It’s fine to start there, but right away you probably realize how BIG the topic of “money”
is. “Money” could mean everything from investing money to saving money to picking
stocks to buying real estate to even the emotional relationship you have with money as
a societal construct. Which means you need to niche down: pick one direction, and get
more specific.
V2: “I want to write about investing money.”
V3: “I want to write about investing money in your 20s.”
V4: “I want to write about investing money in your 20s so you can buy your
first rental property in your 30s.”
How To Start Writing Online: The Ship 30 For 30 Ultimate Guide