Page 14 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 14
6 Translate your message – for each audience based on their needs and
interests. The more relevant you are the more likely the message will be
received, understood and acted upon. Talk with them not at them.
7 Make it easy – for your audience to navigate the messages and to respond
through using clear visual and verbal signposting. Keep it conversational.
Seek dialogue, inspiration and engagement not just information exchange.
8 Use appropriate channels for each audience – keep it simple - have a few
core channels that deliver the message effectively: face to face, remote and
written. Recognise some audiences do not have regular access/ or time to
use a PC so mix your channels. Focus on doing each of them well, in a
skilled and proficient way. Have a quality rather than quantity approach.
9 Take the opportunity to build a consistent brand – align you internal
employee branding with your external brand. Consider behaviours,
language, identity, environment and values.
Identify the metrics of success – as they are key for determining value. This
10 could vary from simply testing understanding, to measuring communication
effectiveness to delivering competitive advantage . So make it an integral
part of your communication planning linked to 1. Aim for real business
value by helping the organisation achieve its strategy and goals.
6 Translate your message – for each audience based on their needs and
interests. The more relevant you are the more likely the message will be
received, understood and acted upon. Talk with them not at them.
7 Make it easy – for your audience to navigate the messages and to respond
through using clear visual and verbal signposting. Keep it conversational.
Seek dialogue, inspiration and engagement not just information exchange.
8 Use appropriate channels for each audience – keep it simple - have a few
core channels that deliver the message effectively: face to face, remote and
written. Recognise some audiences do not have regular access/ or time to
use a PC so mix your channels. Focus on doing each of them well, in a
skilled and proficient way. Have a quality rather than quantity approach.
9 Take the opportunity to build a consistent brand – align you internal
employee branding with your external brand. Consider behaviours,
language, identity, environment and values.
Identify the metrics of success – as they are key for determining value. This
10 could vary from simply testing understanding, to measuring communication
effectiveness to delivering competitive advantage . So make it an integral
part of your communication planning linked to 1. Aim for real business
value by helping the organisation achieve its strategy and goals.