Page 13 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 13
1 Begin with the end in mind – focus on what you need the communication
to achieve – outcomes not just outputs.
2 Plan by identifying what you want people to get, support and do as a
result of the communication. Also consider what might prevent this from
happening and what will help. Simply the planning journey is: Where are we
now?; Where do we want to go?; What is the gap?; Why does it matter?;
How do we get there?; What do we need from our employees?
3 Focus on clarity – refine the message until you are certain it is really clear
what you are trying to say. Avoid corporate jargon, acronyms and
management speak. Keep it simple – use the appropriate style, tone and
language. Don’t underestimate the power of plain language.
4 Understand your audiences and their environment – recognise you may
have different audiences for the same message. Identify them, segment
them and profile their interests and needs. What is happening for them and
what are their hot topics?
5 Grab attention – with a great headline. In this busy world choose the right
medium to gain impact and to deliver the message; in doing so, recognise
the importance of good writing, design and creativity to get noticed.
1 Begin with the end in mind – focus on what you need the communication
to achieve – outcomes not just outputs.
2 Plan by identifying what you want people to get, support and do as a
result of the communication. Also consider what might prevent this from
happening and what will help. Simply the planning journey is: Where are we
now?; Where do we want to go?; What is the gap?; Why does it matter?;
How do we get there?; What do we need from our employees?
3 Focus on clarity – refine the message until you are certain it is really clear
what you are trying to say. Avoid corporate jargon, acronyms and
management speak. Keep it simple – use the appropriate style, tone and
language. Don’t underestimate the power of plain language.
4 Understand your audiences and their environment – recognise you may
have different audiences for the same message. Identify them, segment
them and profile their interests and needs. What is happening for them and
what are their hot topics?
5 Grab attention – with a great headline. In this busy world choose the right
medium to gain impact and to deliver the message; in doing so, recognise
the importance of good writing, design and creativity to get noticed.