Page 78 - Warwickers Communication Counts v2015
P. 78
• Be real. Make sure your communication comes across as natural, sincere and authentic. The
purpose of communication is to deliver a message so always start with the audience in mind
1 not yourself. Think about the issues your audience will care about not what you want to say.
• Be confident and clear about what messages or points you want to make – have a clear
goal every time you speak - before you speak, try to be clear in your own mind how your
2 points relate to the topic under discussion. Make the benefits to the audience the common
denominator in every message.
• Language – think about the words you use carefully – choose words that connect with
people - to build upon, reinforce and powerfully get your message across so that it is noticed
3 and understood.
• Speak in ways that help people understand what you want to say:
• Speak loudly enough so others can hear.
4 • Keep focused on key points. Don’t ramble.
• Explain special or unusual terms you use:
•5 • Avoid jargon when you can
• Avoid sarcasm and ‘put downs’.
• • Practice making eye contact with the people in the room as it helps listeners feel more
connected to you
6 • Try drawing a simple sketch of what you have in mind to support your speech. Many
people understand pictures better than words.
• Be prepared to support your ideas with examples, stories, data and information.
Be succinct – clarity and simplicity. For your main messages, ideas and campaigns - prepare,
work it through and practice before you seek to communicate to others.
Know your audience needs and desires – pay attention to your listeners body language and
interactions to check you have not lost them. You have to read your listener if you want to
build a relationship – body language, communication style, language and thinking
preferences for starters. To understand your and others communication preferences have a
look at Myers Briggs or Nigel Risner’s ‘It’s a Zoo around here’. When you understand them
better it is so much easier to communicate and build rapport by matching their preferences.
• Be real. Make sure your communication comes across as natural, sincere and authentic. The
purpose of communication is to deliver a message so always start with the audience in mind
1 not yourself. Think about the issues your audience will care about not what you want to say.
• Be confident and clear about what messages or points you want to make – have a clear
goal every time you speak - before you speak, try to be clear in your own mind how your
2 points relate to the topic under discussion. Make the benefits to the audience the common
denominator in every message.
• Language – think about the words you use carefully – choose words that connect with
people - to build upon, reinforce and powerfully get your message across so that it is noticed
3 and understood.
• Speak in ways that help people understand what you want to say:
• Speak loudly enough so others can hear.
4 • Keep focused on key points. Don’t ramble.
• Explain special or unusual terms you use:
•5 • Avoid jargon when you can
• Avoid sarcasm and ‘put downs’.
• • Practice making eye contact with the people in the room as it helps listeners feel more
connected to you
6 • Try drawing a simple sketch of what you have in mind to support your speech. Many
people understand pictures better than words.
• Be prepared to support your ideas with examples, stories, data and information.
Be succinct – clarity and simplicity. For your main messages, ideas and campaigns - prepare,
work it through and practice before you seek to communicate to others.
Know your audience needs and desires – pay attention to your listeners body language and
interactions to check you have not lost them. You have to read your listener if you want to
build a relationship – body language, communication style, language and thinking
preferences for starters. To understand your and others communication preferences have a
look at Myers Briggs or Nigel Risner’s ‘It’s a Zoo around here’. When you understand them
better it is so much easier to communicate and build rapport by matching their preferences.