Page 30 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 30
If you declared for ‘game’ you get a bonus of 300 making 400 total.
If you declared a part score you get a bonus of 50 making 150 total.
You can see then that it is important to contract for game if there is a
good possibility of making it because of the 250 extra points.
In Appendix 4 you will find a score sheet again photocopy some. Give
each player a copy and fill it in as you play the exercise hands for Chapter
Review of the basics.
To play minibridge we perform these tasks -
i Shuffle the cards. (Note if we are using the practice hands given
here we make the hands using the strips).
i Deal the hands or make up the hand depending which sort of
hands you are using.
i We add up our points, remember Ace = 4, King = 3, Queen = 2,
Jack = 1.
i Starting at the dealer we call them out and enter them correctly on
our score sheet. We make sure that they add up to 40.
i Decide which side becomes the declaring side (the side with the
most points).
i From the declaring side decide who is the declarer and who is the
dummy (Declarer is the player in the declaring side that either has
the most points or is nearest the dealer).
i Put down the dummy. Each suit should be in a column with the
highest card nearest to the player.
i The declarer then decides on his contract, that is, whether to ‘go
game’ (for 9 tricks) or ‘part score’ for 7 tricks.
i The defender in front of dummy makes the opening lead and all 4
players, in turn, play to the first trick.
i At the end of the trick the cards are turned over, in front of each
player and facing in the direction of the pair that won the trick.
i The player who wins a trick leads to the next trick.