Page 31 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 31

i      When all 13 tricks are complete we see if the declarer has
               succeeded in fulfilling his contract and then score the hand.
        i      The next hand begins.

        What do we do next?

            First we play the other 7 hands given in the strips for this chapter.
            Then look at the hand analysis for those hands given in Appendix 2.

            We can then do the exercises that follow on our own (or with your
        friends if you prefer it).
            We can look at the answers given for these Appendix 3.

            Finally, if we then replay the hands given in the strips 3 more times
        but change the player who is North. We will have a composite score that
        should add to zero (Note: This need not happen in a single day or playing

            We will then have a winner. If you think that this will take too long
        just play hands 1 to 4.


            First we are going to give you all permission to do something. It is not
        a usual happening but at bridge it is essential -

              You have our permission to make mistakes.

            Bridge is a game of mistakes, some are small and some are large but
        we all make them.

            Once you are comfortable with that, we can progress quite quickly.

            Your first hand follows.
            While you will have played this hand during your play session it is
        good if you answer the questions here (but do not write in the book but

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