Page 34 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 34
D. Who is the declarer and who is the dummy?
E. Which player leads to the first trick?
F. Which card should be led?
G. How many tricks is the declarer sure to make?
H. Should the declarer go game?
I. Does the declarer have any chance of making extra tricks?
J. Which defender holds the ÊA?
New words in this lesson
Word Bridge Meaning
Bridge A great card game for two pairs of players using a standard pack of
52 playing cards that will keep testing you for years
Cardinal points North, South, West and East.
Clubs One of the four suits, using the symbol Ê
Cut To split the pack and place the original lower half on top
Deck Another word for the pack
Declarer In Minibridge this is the player from the declaring side with the
most points. This player will solely control the cards played from his
own hand and from dummy’s hand.
Declaring side In Minibridge the pair of players sitting opposite each other
(partners) with the most points.
Defenders In Minibridge the pair of players sitting opposite each other
(partners) with the least points.
Diamonds One of the four suits, using the symbol Ë