Page 39 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 39
The finesse
This is a play (or, perhaps, ray) of hope (and really it is Dummy
only leading towards honours that we have learnt already). Ì - A Q 5
Here it is in its simplest form-
You deserve 1 trick by power, the Ace, however, if the
King is in the West hand you can make two tricks by leading You (declarer)
the 3 and, if West plays low, playing the Queen. Ì - 8 7 3
There is a simple rule with finesses, which is -
Do not lead a high card if you do not hold a strong
This is what we mean -
Leading the Jack here costs a trick so long Ì K 10 7 5 3
as East covers (plays the Queen) this
Ì Q 8 Ì A 9 2
promotes East’s 9. You should lead the 4
towards the dummy and play the 10.
You (declarer)
Ì J 6 4
Here is a similar example -
Again, the declarer must lead low towards Ì A Q 7 5 3
the dummy and when West plays low play the
Queen. Ì K 8 Ì 10 9 2
You (declarer)
Ì J 6 4
However, look at this strong sequence (next page).