Page 27 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 27
hand strips for it are shown in Appendix1). North is going to lead to the
first trick and we are going to remember that North and South are playing
as a pair that is, they are on the same side but East and West are their
opponents or enemy.
You have now played a hand of Whist, so let us learn the difference
between Minibridge and Whist.
I hear you protest that you bought the book to learn to play Bridge,
what is this Minibridge?
This is a game that is a cut down version of Bridge. To learn
Minibridge is like learning your alphabet before you started to read. It
allows us to follow and play after a very short time and enjoy ourselves
after only a few minutes.
The four players sit at the table as two pairs. One
player is designated North and then the other players
seat themselves at the other cardinal points. Like this -
When you are playing the practice hands you
should make use of the ‘strips’. However, if you want
to play extra hands you will have to deal your own. To do this the player
on dealer’s left shuffles the cards and then the player on dealer’s right
cuts the cards. Finally, the dealer deals the cards by giving the first card to
the player on his left and then continuing in a clockwise direction, one
card at a time until all of the cards are dealt.
The first thing you must decide is -
How good is my hand?
We assess the strength of our hand in a simple but effective way. We
count -