Page 23 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 23
Now play the hand and score it. The different score sheets are shown
in Appendix 4 (again we suggest that you photocopy these for your own
When you have played the hands you can see the analysis and
suggested line of play in Appendix 2.
The answers to the homework is given in Appendix 3.
When you play you might get an experienced bridge player to join you.
That is great but you must give that person your book and get them to
read this next, short piece before they start.
Information for the experienced helper
First of all, we should say, thank you for helping. We are sure that it
will all be great.
If you learnt to play bridge more than a few years ago you will have
probably not heard and certainly not played Minibridge. If that is true
please read Chapter 1 to find out how it works.
How much can we learn at one go?
We have found over the years that each lesson should, for the most
part, contain one and only one serious learning point. Please curb your
enthusiasm and do not even mention things the students have not learnt
You might be right and if you feel strongly that we have missed
something crucial early on please e-mail us
but do not confuse the students.
So your adventure begins.