Page 20 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 20

Word             English meaning            Bridge meaning
             Switch      1) A device for making or  To play a card of another suit
                         breaking an electric current;  than the suit just played.
                         2) A set of points on a railway
                         3) A slender, flexible shoot cut
                         from a tree.
            Show out     To indicate the way to leave a  Fail to follow suit having run out
                         premises.                 of cards in the suit led.
             Stopper     1) A plug for sealing a hole.  A holding that prevents the
                         2) A person or thing that stops  opponents from running their
                         something.                tricks in a particular suit. A, 3 is a
                                                   stopper. A, K, 3 is two stoppers.
                                                   Q, J, 10, 9 is also 2 stoppers.
             Tempo       1) The speed at which a piece of To make a play that assists the
                         music is played;          establishment of a suit before
                         2) The pace of an article or  that of a suit held by the
                         process.                  opponents. The simplest form of
                                                   tempo is the opening lead which
                                                   is granted to the defence.
            Touching     1) Arousing strong emotion;  Touching cards are equals, cards
                         2) To make contact with the  in sequence. Touching suits are
                         hand.                     those next to each other in rank.
                                                   Spades are touching with hearts
                                                   and clubs (around the corner).
             Unblock     Remove an obstruction from.  To play a higher card than
                                                   necessary in order to avoid
                                                   having to gain the lead on the
                                                   following trick. To discard a
                                                   blocking card in order to let
                                                   partner play off (cash) sequential
                                                   cards usually as winners.

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