Page 17 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 17
some of the most basic terms used in bridge.
Bridge words
Word English meaning Bridge meaning
Avoidance 1. Keep away from; A play made to prevent the most
2. Prevent from doing or dangerous opposing hand
happening. obtaining the lead.
Balanced 1. An even distribution of weight A hand in which the suits are
ensuring stability; fairly evenly divided. The most
2. Mental or emotional stability; common shapes are
3. A condition in which different 4-3-3-3,
elements are equal or in the 4-4-3-2,
correct proportions. 5-3-3-2.
Block 1. A large, solid piece of material A distribution of cards that
with flat surfaces on each side; prevent communication between
2. A large single building partners hands.
separated into flats or offices;
2. An obstacle to progress.
Cash Money in coins or notes. To play a winner or multiple
Communications Means of sending or receiving The ability of partners to pass
information the lead to each other.
Cutting Preventing the sending and If cards of communication can
communications receiving of information. be removed from the opponents
hands the ability and flexibility is
seriously impaired.
Cover To put something over or in To play a card higher in rank
front of someone or something than the previous card played by
so as to protect or conceal. an opponent on the right. It will
usually be an honour and
Deck The floors on a boat or ship, Another word for pack.
especially the upper level.
Discard To get rid or as no longer useful A card played when not able to
or desirable. follow suit.