Page 19 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 19
Word English meaning Bridge meaning
Hold up 1) An occasion when someone The refusal to take a trick or
steals from someone else using tricks when able in order to cut
violence or the threat of the opponents communications.
2) A delay.
Honour 1) High respect; The five highest cards in each
2) Pride and pleasure from being suit (A- K - Q - J - 10) are called
shown respect; the honours or honour cards.
3) A clear sense of what is
morally right.
Overtake 1) To catch up with and pass To purposely play a card higher
while travelling in the same than that played by partner.
direction; Usually done to allow
2) Become greater or more communications.
successful than.
Pack 1) A cardboard or paper The 52 playing cards that we use
container and the items inside; to play bridge.
2) A group of animals that live
and hunt together.
Sequential Forming or following in a logical Cards of consecutive rank.
order or sequence. 9,8,7,6,5 for example
Sequence A particular order in which Three or more consecutive cards
related thing follow each other. the highest of which is at least
the Jack. So A, K, Q and J, 10, 9
are sequences but 9, 8, 7, is not.
Set 1) Put, lay or stand in a specific The defeat a contract. A “one
place or position; trick set” means that the contract
2) Harden into a solid, semi-solid is one down.
or fixed state;
3) Three cards of the same rank
at poker.
Singleton 1) A single person or thing of the The possession of a single card
kind under consideration; in a suit at the beginning of a
2) Informally a person who is hand.
not in a long term relationship.
Spot cards N/A All cards that are not honours,
that is, the 9 down to the 2.