Page 18 - Learn Bridge Ver2_Neat
P. 18
Word English meaning Bridge meaning
Doubleton A pair of people or things. A pair of cards which are the
only cards of their suit in a hand.
"a doubleton ace" means the Ace
and a little card.
Drop 1) Fall or cause to fall; The fall of a specific card, usually
2) Sink to the ground; of honour rank when a higher
3) Make or become lower or card is led.
Duck Waterfowl with a broad bill, The refusal to win a trick when
short legs, webbed feet and a able to do so. A deliberate low
waddling gait. play from one or both hands in
order to establish winners.
Equals Things being the same in quality. Cards of the same value to a
player as in A, K, Q in one hand.
Applies also to combinations
with partner’s hand.
Exit 1) The way out of a building, A card of exit is played, usually
room or passenger vehicle; to an opponents winner, as a
2) The act of leaving; safety measure Not to be forced
3) A place for traffic to leave a to lead disadvantageously such
major road or roundabout. cards are often carefully
False card False - not in accordance with A card played out of natural
the truth; sequence usually in an attempt to
Card - a piece of thick, stiff deceive opponents about the
paper or thin pasteboard, in position of a true card.
particular one used for writing or
printing on.
Finesse 1) Refinement and delicacy; An attempt to win a trick with a
2) Subtle skill in handling or card of lesser rank than the
manipulating people or highest available.
Force out Physical amount of strength or The concession of a trick in an
force needed to attempt to opponents hand in order to
remove an object from its establish tricks in the player’s
position. hand.
Hand The end part of the arm below The 13 cards dealt to each
the wrist. person at the start of a deal.