Page 4 - KSTshul Documents
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through a simple majority decision. The General Meeting may alter the decision of
the Board as detailed in this article, with a simple majority vote, with the proviso
that a quorum of 60% of the membership is present.
e) Each member of a married couple shall be considered an individual member of the
Amutah with full rights to vote, to participate in General and Special Meetings, the
Board and all Committees of the Amutah.
2) Rights and Responsibilities of Members of the Amutah.
a) To participate in the general meetings of the Amutah and to choose
and/or to be chosen to the Committees of the Amutah. Each member will have one
b) A member of the Amutah may appoint another member to vote in
his/her name and place in any vote that will occur by designating such
proxy in writing and for which specific meeting or issues.
c) To act to the best of his/her ability toward the realization of the
objectives of the Amutah as listed earlier in this document, and in
accordance with the decisions of the Amutah as will be approved from
time to time.
d) To pay membership fees to the Amutah each year by September 1
e) The Amutah will not disburse funds in any form whatsoever to the members, except
for those members who may receive a salary or wages for performing specific
functions for the Amutah. Any members performing an administrative role in the
Amutah will not be eligible to stand for election to the Board.
f) No member shall have any presumptive claim [hazaka] as a prayer leader, Torah
reader, class teacher, shofar blower or any other role in the synagogue or to any other
g) Membership in the Amutah entitles each member to a synagogue seat on the High
Holy Days. As well, children between the ages of ten (10) and eighteen (18) who live
with the member shall be entitled to a seat. Under age ten (10), seats will be offered
only subject to availability. Seats for other family members and for guests will be
subject to availability and the payment of a fee to be set by the Board.
3) Cancellation of Amutah membership.
Membership in the Amutah will cease:
a) If a member informs the Board in writing of his/her intent to leave the Amutah;
b) If a member stops payment of membership dues. Three months in arrears will be
considered, for the purposes of this paragraph, as a stop in payment.
c) If at a General Meeting , 75% of members present decide to expel a member from the
Amutah due to his/her incompatibility with the Amutah and its objectives, provided that
those present are not less than 60% of the Amutah membership.
d) Upon the death of the member.
e) Sections (b) and (c) shall not apply unless the member has been given a suitable
opportunity to air his claims against membership cancellation..