Page 9 - June 2020 Track N Times
P. 9


         Operational Excellence Coins

          Congratulations to the following
          employees recognized with an

          Operational Excellence Coin!

          Jacob Mensing, Superintendent LRG24 and Anthony Bushman, Superintendent LRG7,

          nominated in April and May by Tyson Brownlee, Manager Rail Grinding
          Jake Mensing and Anthony Bushman had a very large Overhaul/Upgrade project to get done. LRG7 required some re-
          freshing and modifications to fit onto the BART system in San Francisco. A new wider wheel axle set up and traction
          system, along with grind cart modifications in order for the grind motors to be in the correct position. These modifica-
          tions along with regular overhaul activities were accomplished on time, during COVID lock downs and closures. Both
          Jake and Anthony had to get inventive in order to get supplies and keep the overhaul on track. They did an excellent
          job bringing the overhaul to completion on time and most importantly safely.

          When  given  the  challenge  coins,  both  echoed  the  same  comment  "This  was a  team  win,  everyone  on this  project
          worked smart to get this done on time safely".

                                Jake Mensing                        Anthony Bushman

         Matthew Miller, Superintendent RG408, nominated in May by Nick Karjalahti, Manager, Rail Grinding
         Recently during a COVID incident on the UP grinders, we were faced with an entire crew being sidelined.  Our cus-
         tomer wanted us to keep grinding, we at Loram wanted to keep grinding and we began putting together a skeleton
         crew to run the machine. At the time, Matt Miller was on time off from another UP machine.  Rob Stewart and Matt
         gathered up the necessary guys, Matt came back from time off to go out and run the machine with Rob and crew. The
         customer was very impressed with Matt and his sacrifice, they even reached out to tell us commenting how apprecia-
         tive they were that Loram was able to provide top notch customer service. Matt without question stepped up to the
         plate and showed above and beyond commitment to Loram and our Operational Excellence.

         Brandon Ingalls, Superintendent SBC2401, nominated in May by Tyler Beebe, Manager, Rail Grinding
         I nominate Brandon “Jack” Ingles, Superintendent of SBC2401, for the May 2020 Operational Excellence Award. Bran-
         don  had  a  successful  start-up  of  SBC2401  after  the  long  COVID  shutdown,  and  continued  to  impress  with  his
         knowledge of our industry operating rules. He displayed textbook examples of living Loram core values, and achieves
         the same excellence from his crew. Keep it up!

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