Page 31 - Records of Bahrain (3) (ii)_Neat
P. 31
The Bahrain Order in Council, 1907-1913 447
4. In tho construction of this Order the following words and expressions
linvo Iho meanings horoby assigned to them, unless thoro bo something in
tlio subject or context repugnant thorcto, that is to say :—
“ Administration" means loiters of administration, including tlio saino with
'will nnnoxed, or granted for special or limited purposes, or limited
in duration.
“ Bahrein" includes all places and waters within Iho limits of tlio Order.
“Bahrein subject” moans a subject of tlio Shoikli of Bahrein.
“ British ship ” means a merchant-ship being a British ship within the
moaning of the Morchant Shipping Act, 1894, and, except whoro tlio
context otherwise requiros, includes a ship belonging to any British
subject as hereinafter defined.
“British subject” includes a British protected poison.
“Judicial Assistant" means tlio officer for tlio timo boing holding tlio
otlico of Judicial Assistant undor the provisions of tho Persian Coast
and Islauds Ordor in Council, 1907.
“ Chief Court ” means a Court held by tho Political Resident ns hcroinaftor
“District Court” means a Court held by tho Political Agent or by tho
Judicial Assistant.
“Tho Court” moans a Court held by tho Political Resident, tho Political
Agont, or tho Judicial Assistant to tho Political Resident.
“ Joint Court ” means a Court composed of tho Political Agont and an
official appointed by tho Shoikli of Bahroin.
“ Majlis-ol-Urf" means a Civil Court composed of not less than four members
selected by tho Political Agont in concert with tho Sheikh of Bahrein.
“Salifah Court” means a Court consisting of ouo or more Judges who
liavo knowledge of tho local diving and customary marino law, and
aro appointed by tho Shoikli of Bahrein and the Political Agent
in concert.
“ Kazi ” means any official Kazi appointed by tho Shoikli of Bahroin and
accepted by tho Political Agent.
“ Foreigner ” means any person not a British or Bahroin subject.
“ Imprisonment" means imprisonment of oilhor description as defined in
• tho Indian Tonal Code.
“ Month ” means calendar month.
“ Oath " or “ Affidavit ” includes affirmation or declaration.
“ Oflonco ” means any act or omission mado punishable by any law for
tho timo boing in forco.
“ Person " iuoludos corporation.
“Political Agent” means IJis Majesty’s Agont at Bahrein appointed by
tho G'ovcruor-Goncrnl of India in Council, including a person acting
«* O. C. 1780.