Page 35 - Records of Bahrain (3) (ii)_Neat
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The Bahrain Order in Council, 1907-1913         451

        possession, but subject to the provisions of this Order, and to the exceptions,
        adaptations, and modifications following, that is to say :
            (i) Tho Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf is hereby substituted for the
                 Governor of a colony or British possession, and tho Chiof Court is
                 horoby substituted for a Superior Court or Supromo Court, and tho
                 District Court for a Magistrate or Justice of tho Peace of a colony
                 or British possession.
           (ii)  For tho portions of tho Morchant Shipping Acts, 1S54 and 18(>7,
                 roforred to in tho said Schedule, shall bo substituted Part XIII.
                 of tho Morchant Shipping Act, 189L
           (iii)  In Section 51 of tho Conveyancing (Scotland) Act, 1874, tho Court
                 of the Political Agent is substituted for a Court of Probate in
                 a colony.
           (iv)  With respect to tho Fugitivo Offenders Act, 1S81—
                    (a)  So much of tho 4th and 5th sections of tho said Act ns
                  rolntes to scudiug a report of tho issue of a warrant, together with
                  tho information, or a copy thorcof, or to tho sending of a cortificato
                   of committal and roport of a case, or to tho information to bo givon
                   by a Magistrato to a fugitive, shall bo oxeepted, and in liou of such
                   information llio person acting as tho Magistrato shall inform the
                   fugitive that in tho British possession or protcctorato to which ho
                  may bo convoyed lie lins tho right to apply for a writ of habeas
                  corpus or other like process.
                    (b)  So much of tho 6tit section of the said Act as requires
                  the expiration of fifteen days before issuo of warrant shall bo
                    (c)  Tho Political Resident shall not bo bound to return a
                  fugitivo offender to a British possession unless satisfied that tho
                  proceedings to obtain his roturu aro taken with tho consent of tho
                   Governor of that possession.
                    (</) For tho purposes of Part II. of tho said Act, Bahrein,
                  Muscat, tho Persian Coast and Islands, and all other places on tho
                  shores of tho Persian Gulf or tho Gulf of Oman, Aden, and British
                  India, shall bo doomed to bo one group of British possessions.
           U. Where, by virtue of any Imperial Act, or of this Order, or otherwise,
       any provisions of any Imperial Acts, or of any Law in force in India, or of any
       Orders in Council other than this Order, aro applicable within tho limits of
       this Order, or any forms, Regulations, or procedure proscribed or established
       by or under such Act, Law, or Order aro mado applicable for any purpose of
       this Order, or any other Order relating to Bahrein, such Acts, Laws, Orders,
       forms, Regulations, or procedure may bo construed or used with such alterations
       and adaptations not affecting tho substance ns may be necessary having rogard
       to local circumstances, and anything required to bo dono by, to, or before any
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