Page 38 - Records of Bahrain (3) (ii)_Neat
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Records of Bahrain
was on board a British ship, or by auy British subject on hoard a foreign ship to
which ho did not bolong, tho Court shall, subject to tho provisions of this Order,
have jurisdiction over such person ns if tho ofTonco had been committed within
its jurisdiction.
(3) Tn eases tried under this Article no dilForont sontonco can ho passed from
tho sontonco which could bo passod in England if tho crimo were tried tlicro.
(4) The foregoing provisions of this Articlo shall bo doomed to ho adaptations,
for tho purposes of this Ordor and of tho Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, of tho
following cnactmonts, namoly
Tho Admiralty Offences (Colonial) Act, 18'19;
Tho Admiralty OfToncos (Colonial) Act, 18(30;
Tho Merchant Shipping Act, 1S94, Part XIII.;
and thoso enactments shall apply accordingly, and bo administered in Bahroin.
20. Whoro a poison is convicted of an oflonco, tho Court boforo which ho is
convicted may, if it-thinks fit at any time before ho is discharged, roquiro him to
give security to tho satisfaction of tho Court for his future good behaviour, and
for that purposo may, if it thinks fit, cause him to como or bo brought boforo tho
21__(1) Whoro it is shown by evidence on oath, to tho satisfaction of tho
District Court, that auy British subject has committed, or is about to commit,
an offence against this Order, or is othonviso conducting himself so as to bo
dangerous to pcaco and good order, or is endeavouring to oxcito onmity
between tho pcoplo of Bahroin and llis Majesty, or is intriguing within tho
limits of this Order against His Majesty's powor and authority, tho Court may,
if it thinks lit, by ordor undor its seal, prohibit that porson from being within
the limits of this Order, during any time thoroin specified, not exceeding two
(2) Tho Court, by ordor in writing under its seal, may vary any order of
prohibition (not oxteuding tho duration thereof), and may rovoko any order of
prohibition or removal.
(3) Tho Court shall forthwith roport tho order and tho grounds thorcof
to the Chiof Court, which shall forthwith report to tho Govornor-General of
India in Council evory order made undor this Articlo, and tho grounds thereof,
and tho proceedings thorounder.
22.—(1) If any British subjoct fails to givo security for good behaviour or
for keeping tho peace when lawfully required to do so, or fails to comply with
an order of prohibition mndo undor this Order, tho Chiof Court or tho District
Court may, if it thinks fit, order that ho bo deported from any placo within
its jurisdiction as prescribed by this Ordor.
(2) If tho ordor of deportation is niudo by tho District Court, it shall
forthwith report to tho Chiof Court the ordor and the grounds thereof.
^ O.o. I7.<6. a 5