Page 37 - Records of Bahrain (3) (ii)_Neat
P. 37
The Bahrain Order in Council, 1907—1913 453
1G. Where a person subject to this Order is accused of tho commission
of nn ofTcnco the cognisance whoroof appertains to tho Court, and it is
expedient that tho oflcnco bo inquired of, tried, determined, and punished in
a British possession, tho accused may (uudor tho Foreign Jurisdiction Act,
1890, section G) bo sent for trial to Bombay.
Tho Chief Court may, whoro it appears so expedient, by warrant under
tho hand and seal of tho Political Rcsidont, cause tho accusod to bo sent
for trial to Bombay accordingly.
The warrant shall bo sufficient authority to any person to whom it is
directed to rccoivo and detain tho person thcroin named, and to carry him
to and dclivor him up at Bombay according to tho warrant.
Whero any person is to bo so sent to Bombay, tho Court boforo which
ho is charged shall tnko tho preliminary examination, and shall bind ovor
such of tho proper witnesses ns nro British subjects in their own recognizances
to appear aud givo ovidonco on the trial.
17.—(1) Tho Political Rosidont may by General Ordor proscribe the mnnnor
in which, aud tho places at which, sentences of imprisonment aro to bo carried
into oxocution withiu tho limits of tho Ordor.
(2) The Court may, in any caso by warrant sealed with its seal, causo an
offender convicted and sentenced to imprisonment before tho Court to bo
removed to, aud imprisoned in, any place that shall be prescribed by the
Political Residcut under tho authority provided for in subsection (1) of Ibis
18. Whero an offender convicted boforo any Court undor this Ordor is
sentenced to imprisonment, aud tho Political Rosident proceeding under section 7
of tho Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, authority in that behalf boing horobv
given to him, considers it oxpodiont that tho sontcnco should bo carried into effect
olscwhero than within tho limits of this Order, and tho offondor is accordingly
sent for imprisonment to a placo outside tho limits of this Ordor, tho placo shall
bo oithcr a placo in tho Presidency of Bombay, or a placo in somo otlior part of
Ilis Majosty’s dominions, tho Govornmout whorcof consents that offenders may bo
sent thithor undor this Articlo, or a placo in which by Troaty, grant, usage,
sufferance or othor lawful means llis Majesty has jurisdiction, providod that if
a person is not a British subject ho shall only bo sent under this Articlo to a
placo in llis Majesty’s dominions.
19. —(1) In eases of murder or culpablo homicido, if oithor tho doath or tho
criminal act which wholly or partly caused tho death happoued in Bahroin, a
Court acting under this Ordor shall havo tho liko jurisdiction ovor auy porson to
whom this Ordor npplios who is charged either as a principal offondor or ns an
abettor ns if both such criminal act and tho death had happened in Bahrein.
(2) In tho caso of any offonco committed on tho high seas or within the
Admiralty jurisdiction by any person who at tho limo of committing such oflcnco
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