Page 145 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 145


                         Use of Sittra pier by Petroleum Concessions Ltd  133              :

                            GOVERNMENT OK BAHRAIN

                             No. 421-38    of 1369
                             Office of tlie Advioer to
                             the Government, Bahrain
                             Dated, 13th Safar, 1369
                                 December 4,  1949.
            Frornt  G, Dalrymplo Dolgrave, Esquire, C.B.E.,
                    Adviser to the Government of Bahrain,

             To j  The Manager,
                       Messrs. Petroleum Concessions Limited

                 I have the honour to state that His Highness Shaikh Sulman
             has directed me to inform you that ho will no longer permit sea
             traffic between Qatar und your private pier at Sitra. In future
             all vessels coming and going between Bahrain and Qatar must
            depart from or arrive at Muharraq or Manama. His Highness*s
             order will come into force ut the end of the month of Safar (20th
             December 1949). Parsons and goods which aro convoyed to and
             from Qatar will be subject to all existing passport and customs

                                       I have the honour to bo,
                                      Your most obedient servant,
                                         (Sgd.) C. Talrymple Belgravo

                                      Adviser to the Government

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