Page 148 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 148
136 Records oj Bahrain
Confidential. Political Agency,
Dobra in,
No.C/R-576. 11th Decomber, 1949.
Deur Sir Rupert,
Your letter No.492/1/49 of 18th November,
2. Neither Lormitto nor (as/'far ns the cor
respondence in this of Pice shows) anyone olsc
------------------------------------------------- /i-------------------- i has over
1. P.R's oxpross letter No.C/233 of 23rd 8 boon ap-
Noveiuber 1936 to India Office. 8 pointed
^ p.+ 5 ciuer
2. India Office express letter No.P.Z.203/ 8 Local
37 of 19th January 1937 to the Residency. 8 Repres’cnta-
fib' ,0/3 £ • 8 tlvc for
3. Residency memorandum No.160-3 of 3rd Fob- 8 any of the
ruary 1937 to the Political Agent, Bahrain. 8 Trucial
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- { States.
Packer whs appointed Chief Local Representative for
Qatar, vide the correspondence marginally noted.
3. I think it 1s absolutely essential that
a Chief Local Representative should bo appointed
to reside in Qatar, and I also think that one should
he appointed for Abu Dhabi who should reside on the
Trucial Coast. I suggest thut tho Foreign Offico
bo asked to request tho Iraq Petroleum Company to
suggest names for both appointments. It would bo
bettor if wo were consulted unofficially and con
fidentially before any appointments urc made.
Yours sincerely,
SCJ C- T- P.
His Excellency
Sir Ruport Huy, K.C.I.E., C.S.I • i
Political Rosident, Persian Gulf.