Page 153 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 153

Use of Si lira pier by Petroleum Concessions Ltd  141

                          1 jL—Ijl J
                      * I ^
                                          No.C/L-2.       Political Agency,
                   • T-JI/y- JJ------------ 3                 Bahrain,
                                                          <lth January, I960.
          • \ cpv.M &S^1            1 ^
                                     ■ 11 To
                              — O'
       J | Lo I          V I V I               His Highness Shaikh Sir Salman
   .J* J”!’     iivJiAJ I J*-*. O J"* Cr*-4^ I     bin Hamad A1 Khalifah, K.C.I.E.
          v-       I.. ^^ I »-                           Ruler of Bahrain.
     ^ljT^*V 1 p lit J   J Ij ^VU 1 J-*-   After compliments:
                   •f—**       r  li-J o^UI       I have the honour to address
                                           Your Highness on the subjoct of your
        Jj->*   v^3 ^ l o 1 °j—** l s?~^
         o—I I ^O—J ** l—I     'I'o-v-     order to Messrs. Petroleum Concessions

         Si l—f i Jj j.  JI I c. jj U-i. I if,  A  Limited that you would no longer per­
               JI %Sj—«*J   l I,  •---- SO—1  mit sea traffic between Qatar and the
               ^ £ !»J I   i«-L^ j j.l—;   Company's pier at Sitra and that in
             I             J^LuJ I   <i I J  future all vessols coming and going

       —* j OU—^ I cri'—f6—(•* JJ—^ I j *—• Jl—U l   botwoen Uahraln and Qatar must depart
          j I I o—II J'     o—*  j jL—^ ^ I  from or urrive at Muharraq or Manamah.
          i-lj j I ,dJJ LrrJI‘-».^l -3.—l_UI Furthermore, the iettor from Your

        (  JU ijvw'   I |l| |)   SJ U. J l—  Highness' Adviser to tho Company
           IJ------ A----- .‘Jlfr-J^o j-----II ( u copy of which I have received )
                —.-.‘VljL-fj—f j~:j---*#VI informing them of this order states
                  j L »     0_^. ;_J j-JUJ I that porsons urid goods convoyed to and
        bjI----112_13_______ i BUS.___ *__i   from Qatar will be subject to all
           •oJjl----.Ulj c. IjJj-^JL-* 3—oLUIj existing passport and customs regu­
       •kJLJ I c.jj L_.a. | 3—S' j_* e., jJb  lations. Messrs. Petroleum Conces-
       O • J-P LlJ I Jj-iU I *;--------- <_/ l-  ---- J sions Limited have represented to mo
        xj0l—> JI ^ J-*UI ^jL»*.JIjL.^wVI   that, in accordance with Clause 2 of
                                           ..        , ,                 granted
           l—. 4 ■ .J --i»+\ I     —    ■i the current louse of the pier area/
           i I g) LJ t i—S'ji—^I—»- ^—.*   by Your Highness to them, they have
         }—►*!------VI j                l a right of access to this aroa by
              O* H *l—«jl ^3—**j     !/—*< land and from the sea and to moor

          j—* «j-i—I I—Vi-          I__ Jl boats in tho area.  Their intor-
                          ;u^iJ|^|) L—4J I prototlon of this is that they have

               O—i j-      *J|j—*_i—J*—>• the Bahrain Government's authority
                                                                   to ...
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