Page 155 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 155
Use oj Sittra pier by Petroleum Concessions Ltd 143
r -3-
and that their present dally service
^ —i ij-J> l—>J 1I I—*“—3l -olj
each v/ay betwoen Bahrain and Qatar
‘XJ—I Cj^—I ^
s i
would therefore be considerably
* d—1J \-~x------- 'x ir-—o
• r hampered. I
; L-t^iL-bV 3. The Company's Interpretation
.Vlii • l
,:, y 4 J \ i.h 1—Li*J I o——'—11 j----^-4 f J of their Agreement appears to bo cor?:
. ... f- - • . '
i-.,' —& I ^—*'4 V,t"jC o—• j—^4 j rect. In view of this fact and of
tho Inconvenience caused to a British
'L—j|y~i l^-JS'oa-
Oj-0u—~ Mo-y----- ^ -? Company which has considerably con
—*j—r j:-—*■ —1 ^ tributed to the wealth of Bahrain
’ V
#Vlo —*■ I—3 o j a—< I should be grateful if you would
•v 2JI Inform no without delay of tho reason
j—1 V lo l-i j—- '.> #VI for the issue of Your Highness' order »
and suspend Its operations ponding
v:) | o-t------ Jl
• Jwj—po Ni further consideration of the matter.
<J l-< *-*£—& I o 1—0 j • l 4. I havo to add that as passport
. *0 dj l—| J d.lj lj_>J I 4.. ■« feu I ^ I and Customs Regulations concern the
l(j-*- Viol If I—*41 —t external relations of Your Highness
IJ—*•! J—-5 j I__Zs,_J | o* I d^-jJj—3 J—xl« with other States, I should havo
oxpectod to huvo been consulted bofore
' j. .1* .1 o-J I <■> «.»■'.) If I.' *■< J I
any change in them regarding Qatar
was made.
* CA-r-J j ^*-11L !/«•
Usuul ending.
H.B.Li's Political Agont.
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/*•/*. KAvcOa c.s. jrv. C//Z-<7
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