Page 154 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 154

                       142                       Records oj Bahrain

                                        V -                            -2-

                       L>J I J J * l—I J 1—»        If   to uso their Jetty os a port of -entry
                    ly-4*^5^ * •—i—~        o-o     *JI  Into and dopurture from Bahrain,
                       J—3 IJ—ft I—j(/v            ill   They add that this Interpretation has
                                     —k O L-f
                      j-J I—I y-ft    —11 aii^J I (C     been confirmed by the fact that they,
                      i J—J 5—E—.uJ I f .1—I ^ l-, --■ 1T |  have usod this pier In this capacity
                   ' Cru----*y I i—4 yS-M. i-JB ],—-------) •  for 10 years with the approval of
                      *—4 J—^—*• O ^—t   I j*—  S2j LS   the Bahrain Government.   They further
                   J 1...+ I L_ 4..J o j—5^| j—J     Jl  point out thfct the Bahrain Government
                                                         havo confirmed their use of Sltra as
                       ^ ^ J GJU—*~J Jj—^ J *1—*x--------
                                - 1^.      U—•   ~L-f    a port of entry and departure by their
                                         z j i d Lj.     establishment of a Customs post there,
                      -4-                                and they consider that the Bahrain
                       ls jIj—fS                         Government cannot arbitrarily terminate
                                            y    ~0 I
                          if----—I 4—i—     |   4-i      their richt as covered by the Agree-
                     **—* o L-riT-  ss US\, L-T          went.   Thny also point out that of­
                        j ^'*4—— ~l I if~—*   * j l—^* I c«i\t I  ficial permission was given to thorn
                         k        1111 <;_0— o^l/V I     in the early months of 1949 by tho
                    cl— i—-J I   $—I erv—->*J I *------ j—^—>  Bahrain Government to buoy tho channel

                       O U-w if-* j      /‘j— J ^ (J-*   SItra/2okrit, and they consider that
                             I |j_ft J—j—j.oU 7jL_>.*V I  permission to undertake such on ex­
                     I »vJ'-J     'ZJ l—4 .tijj l^f-4 ft 1 J |  pensive installation was tantamount

                    Cry — y I ^ il—> o—4 O"“ * I   l,—.  to direct approval from the Bahrain
                   *    IJ Jy*          —— J I——w V      Government to use Sltra as a port of
                                        : *        •T    ontry and departure.

                            IJI I—,J<—;*l—^ L^.          2.    Tho Company also inform me
                           —.*J| I—4—iJ       , T        that if they are to be prohibited the
                    t>—t?—S' I—** J (_*j Li ( *j*...... .  uso of their private pier at Sltra,
                          Ui— I ^-j'L-3   ---- 1 L-—i    it will adversely affect their opera­
                         \£   — * »«J I J k......>J I   tions, as the altcrnotivo 3Uggestod,
                       —-O^—i—“ 1----- - I—^ I j Jj------*«Jl  l.e., Muharraq and Manamah, involve
                       4-j'i^      i__ ji               far grantor distance and are also
                      i/'-jiJ I j I f jJ I       J      controlled by tide and weather
                                                                            and , • • •
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