Page 152 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 152
140 Records of Bahrain
Petroleum Concessions Limited,
Mo. QSA 2/0096 Dated, 31st December 19'19.
Dear Sir,
Reference your letter No. c/L -457 dated 20th December 1949.
It is the practice of this Company and Its associated companies
to pay oil royalties once a year in arrears.
Due to the exceptional circumstances where the present Ruler of
Qatar finds himself embarassed through lacl£ of funds, due to the
ex-Ruler having retained the whole of the treasury, it has been decided,
with the approval of the Political Resident, to assist the present
Ruler by paying oil royalties at more frequent intervals during the year
1950, It is hoped that royalties at the beginning v/ill be made monthly
and thereafter at slightly longer intervals.
r Yours faithfully,
For & on behalf of
eti/pjLeum Development (Qatar) Ltd.,
! Cooliilp. filial.
ma : i u\ ; r.
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