Page 146 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 146

134                        Records of Bahrain

                                                                                 Coil.i t
                                                                            OINTLEY'S SECOND PMRASI
                            PETROLEUM CONCESSIONS LIMITED

                                                                            PERSIAN GULF.
                        PCN.5/8820                          10th December, 1949.

                       H.B.M's Political Agent,
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                       Dear Sir,
                            Further to our letter number PCN.5/8815 dated 6th December
                       1949 on the subject of our Sitra pier.

                        2.  We enclose herewith, for your information, a copy of the
                       Agreement covering our lease from the Bahrain Government of the
                       area in question.
                       3.   From clause 2 you will observe that we have the right of
                       access to this area by land and from the sea and to moor boats in
                        the area. Our interpretation of this is that we have the Bahrain
                       Governments authority to use this jetty at Sitra as a port of
                       entry into and departure from Bahrain. In our opinion, this
                       interpretation has been confirmed by the fact that we have U6ed
                       this pier in this capacity for 10 years with the approval of the
                       Bahrain Government.
                       4.   We would further point out that the Bahrain Government have
                        further confirmed our use of Sitra as a port of entry and departure
                       by its establishment of a Customs' post there.

                        5.  If our interpretation is correct, we do not consider that the
                        Bahrain Government can arbitrarily terminate our right as covered
                       by the Agreement.

                        6.  In view of the urgency of the matter, we should be most grate­
                        ful if you could let us have your reply at your very earliest con­
                                                        Yours faithfully,
                                                  PETROLEUM CONCESSIONS LIMITED

  !                     Enel.
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