Page 329 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 329

Interest of oil companies in Hawar Island      317

   Confidential.                          Political Agency,
   No. C/224-10/12.                 Bahrain, tho 9 th May, 19(56,

                Captain T. Hiclcinbotham,
                    Officiating Political Agent,
                The Honourable the Political Resident
                     in the Persian Gulf,

                       Petroleum Concessions Limited.
                I nave ■cne honour to refer to Colonel Loch's letter
           No.C/217-10/12 doted the 6th May 1936.
                Mo dor P. Holmes conic and saw me this morning and the
           following is a report of the conversation,     Prior to the
           interesting part of the conversation Major Holmes asked if

           his remarks would be passed on to the Bahrain Government
           and I said that only if the Political Resident considered
           it desirable.    He also stated that he was diffident in
           bringing forward this particular question.
           2.   You will see from the enclosures to this letter that

           the Bahrain Government hove asked that Article 1 of the
           Concession Agreement shall specify the islands belonging to
           the Bahrain group and Major Holmes has replied by asking them
           to name them.    The point is that the ownership of the Hawar
           Group is of great importance because it is directly in what
           Major Holmes called the oil "line".
           3.   Major Holmes stated that if the Bahrain Government
           claimed Hawar then the Qatar concessionaires Y/ould probably

           maintain that it was included under the Qatar Concession and
           protest against the Shaikh of Bahrain's claim,    A claim to
           the Islands by the Shaikh would probably bring The Bahrain
           Petroleum Company Limited into the field in competition with
           Petroleum Concessions Limited for the concession at present

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