Page 196 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 196
102 Records of Bahrain
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Mr. Gault
No. 085 D. 0,55 p, m. September 19, 1066
September 10, 1955 R, 7.25 p.m. September 10, 1955
Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. (385 of September 19.
Repeated for lnfornation to B. M.E. 0.
and Saving to Doha Kuwait Political A^ncy Bahrain
Dubai Muscat
My letter to Broad No. 1011/1/90/56 of September 13; Situation
in Bahrain*
During last week the Ruler has been encouraging those who support
him to declare tlielr disapproval of the High Executive Committee and desire
for stable Government. Ife lias rocoived a number of letters witli lints of
signatures and although signatures have probably been bought thay are no
less genuine than Blmllar support given to the H.E.C. as a result of
intimidation. However, the committee lias reacted rather sharply to this.
Last week a supporter of the Ruler was seriously beaten and yesterday a
small crowd of supporters of the committee surrounded some of the Ruler's
supporters In a shop. The crowd was eventually called off by the committee
who may have seen the unwisdom of encouraging violence and subsequently
strong police patrol was sent through the bazaar with good effect.
2. The Ruler at an interview, which I had previously arranged to
discuss another matter, this morning told me that he felt he must now exert
Ills authority and that of Ills Government or his people would cease to follow
him In the face of the apparent freedom of action of the H.E.C. and asked my
3. I said I agreed tlfit it was necessary, indeed essential, for the
Government to assert its authority and thereby regain respect and support
of the bulk of the peoplo (who only want evidence that the Government is able
to stand up for itself to support it). But I was not sure whether the Govern
ment had forces at its disposal to face a show down with the H.E.C. and its
supporters. The Government must not fall if there were a trial of strength,
und I doubted whether the police, if hard pressed, could do it. I considered
the Acting Advlser, who was present, should discuss this with the Assistant
Commandant. The Rider agreed with me and said that if his own resources
were not enough he would expect us to help him.
4. It was agreed that strong police patrol should go through the bazaar
several times a day. Several people concerned in the beating mentioned above
are to appear in court today or tomorrow as are some concerned in
yesterday^ incident. If this passes off all tight and the offenders are
gjdtably sentenced a notice could be issued by the Government saying it was
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* c* /determined