Page 198 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 198

184                        Records oj Bahrain

                                    CONFIDENTIAL                                e
                            FROM BAHRAIN TO FORF.IQN OFFICIO
                      Cypher/OTP                          DEPARTMENTAL
                                   ' fl|nl<>|j3                 braTOimrri.ON

                      Mr, Gault                  D, 4,00 p.m. September 26, 1955
                      No. 699
                                                 R, 1*55 p.m. September 26, 1955
                      September 26, 1953

                           Addressed to Foreign Offioo telegram No. 699 of
                      September 2(5f
                      Ropeated for Information to B.M.E.O.
                                    And Saving to Doha,    Dubai,
                                                 Kuwait,   Muscat.
                           My telegram No, 605/^ ^0 loHijZ'2
                           Increased police patrol activities and announcement by
                      the  Ruler saying trouble-makers would be punished has improved
                      tho situation sanewhat, I do not now think that another
                      omorgenoy is likely for the time being, although with the
                      present Btato of the Bahrain Government cne can never bo very
  !                   certain that ohance incidents will not touch something off,
                           2, After some pressure by me, the Acting-Adviser
                      took the Assistant Commandant of Police to sec the Ruler la6t
                      week to explain his views and difficulties personally. As
                      result the pay ratoo have been increased, which should attract
                           3.  I understand that the Ruler has received two members of
                      the High Executive’Committee who'gave him statement of their, demand,
                      though ho has mentioned this neither to the Acting-Adviser
                      nor to me.   This may indicate a willingness of the Ruler at
                      least to consider and oven discuss the demand of the committee
                      whioh he has never before agreed to do.
                           Foreign Office pass B.M.E.O, as my telegram No. 62.
                           [Repeated to B.M.E.O.]

                      DISTRIBUTED TO:
                      Eastern Department.

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