Page 200 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
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186                       Records of Bahrain

                                  FROM BAHRAIN TO FOREIGN OFFICE
                        Cypher/OTP                         DEPARTMENTAL DTSTRIIM1TION

                        Mr. Qault
                        No, 716              D, If. 50 p.ra. October 6, 1955
                        October 6, 1955      R. 1.55 p.m. October 6, 1955
                             Addressed to Foreign Office telegram No. 716 of October 6
                        Repeated for Information to: B.M.E.O.
                                      and Saving to: Kuwait Doha
                                                   Dubai M Muscat ,
                             My tolograras Nos. 7
                             The Ruler carao to see me this morning with Adviser to
                         announce that his discussion with two members of the High
                        Executive Committee had reached successful conclusion. To ny
                         surprise he said that he had deoided to agree that committees
                         should be set up to supervise the Education and Health Departments
                         and the municipalities, each composed of Government nominees and
                         freely elected representatives of the people. Ho read out to me
                         a letter he had received from members of the committee who oalled
                         themselves "representatives of the people", but with no reference
                         to the committee as such, asking for theso committees to be
                         approved and asking for reform in public security and the law
                         courts including the Civil and Criminal Code "in harmony with our
                         religious traditions and customs". Hope was also expressed that
                         the Labour law would prove of benefit both to employer and
                              2,   The Ruler asked whether I approved of his agreeing to
                         all this, to which I replied, I did. I said that I regarded his
                         decision as great step forward and one which would improve the
                         situation in Bahrain.
                              3.   The remarkable thing i3 that I do not think the Ruler
                         had consulted Adviser on these matters and so appears to have
                         made up his mind independently. Nor have I prossed him in this
                      t/ jparticular direction except to poijit; to the weakness of the
                      ,.7frppllce. The committee too have in the end been ready to aaaept
                      ' less than their most extreme demand, e.g. Legislative Council,
                    ^ ^vVrft£bh may indioate that the moderates are, at the moment,
                            control, '. This should reduce public seourity risk, at any
                         rate, for the present.
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