Page 203 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 203
Constitutional reforms, 1955 189
Representatives to take part in making the Labour I.av/.
It lu worth saying that Bahrain Id the flrot state
amongst the Arab countries where Labour Representatives
aro allowed to take part in making the I.ubouV Law which
is a precious girt.
Due to our blessed movement the Government of Bahrain
established a Public Relations Office. The task of this
office is to see to the complaints of the people, Although
this office has not yet achieved the wishes we aimed to,
but we hope that it v/ill do so in the future.
Also due to the movements the Government established a
Recruiting Office which indeed helped the employees very much
and filled in the gap of idleness.
The Committee deputed some persona to the Arab States
to take up our case and in spite of the handicaps created by
the traitors they did their duty satisfactorily. The
Committee also deputed a mission to the Islamic Conference
held in Egypt which indeed ruised the name of Bahrain amongst
the root of the Arab States. The Committee sent a mission
of students to Egypt consisting of eight on the Egyptian
Government account. Pour of them v/ill study law, three
engineering and one agriculture. In addition to that Egypt
showed its willingness to send teachers and physicians without
pay to Bahrain. This subject is now under consideration.
You must have heard from the Radio the proclamation from
the Ruler about the establishment of the councils, Wo take
this opportunity to thank Ilia Highness personally for accepting
our request and we hope that he will always adopt this peaceful
procedure to settle the misunderstanding. V/e shall now wait
for the iuuuo of the proclamation in writing and v/c hope that
it will contain all the terms v/c huve asked for. If it
excludes any of them we shull lot you know our opinion, Ao i
fegurds the Legislative Council, v/e decided to postpone it